Authors: Earl Babbie, Fred S. Halley, William E. Wagner, III, and Jeanne Zaino

Pub Date: July 2012

Pages: 480

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About the Book

Written by esteemed social science research authors, Adventures in Social Research: Data Analysis Using IBM® SPSS® Statistics, Eighth Edition encourages students to practice SPSS as they read about it and provides a practical, hands-on introduction to conceptualization, measurement, and association through active learning. This fully revised workbook will guide students through step-by-step instruction on data analysis using the latest version of SPSS and the most up to date General Social Survey data. Arranged to parallel most introductory research methods texts, this text starts with an introduction to computerized data analysis and the social research process, then walks readers step-by-step through univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analysis using SPSS Statistics. In this revised edition, active and collaborative learning will be emphasized as students engage in a series of practical investigative exercises.

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