Moving From Spoken to Written Language With ELLs
Bilingual Methods
Bilingual Methods
July 2014 | 128 pages | Corwin
Mastering spoken language is the key to writing success for English language learners
English language learners struggle to meet the increased classroom writing demands of the Common Core State Standards, and many schools seem at a loss for solutions.
In these pages, ELL expert Ivannia Soto builds on the groundbreaking research she presented in her previous book ELL Shadowing as a Catalyst for Change to show how oral language development scaffolds writing skills. To implement this knowledge, Soto offers educators a powerful set of tools:
• Exciting spoken techniques such as Socratic Seminar, Frayer model and Think-Pair-Share that build vocabulary and extend into academic writing
• Approaches to teaching three essential styles of writing: argumentative, procedural, and narrative
• Sample lesson plans and graphic organizer templates
ELLs must develop oral language skills before meeting the Common Core’s writing requirements. This book provides the tools to make this happen.
"This timely book collects oral language strategies designed to scaffold academic writing for English language learners at intermediate and advanced levels of English proficiency. Concrete examples support the goal of teaching college and career ready standards across content areas."
—Charlene Rivera, Research Professor
The George Washington University Center for Equity and Excellence in Education
English language learners struggle to meet the increased classroom writing demands of the Common Core State Standards, and many schools seem at a loss for solutions.
In these pages, ELL expert Ivannia Soto builds on the groundbreaking research she presented in her previous book ELL Shadowing as a Catalyst for Change to show how oral language development scaffolds writing skills. To implement this knowledge, Soto offers educators a powerful set of tools:
• Exciting spoken techniques such as Socratic Seminar, Frayer model and Think-Pair-Share that build vocabulary and extend into academic writing
• Approaches to teaching three essential styles of writing: argumentative, procedural, and narrative
• Sample lesson plans and graphic organizer templates
ELLs must develop oral language skills before meeting the Common Core’s writing requirements. This book provides the tools to make this happen.
"This timely book collects oral language strategies designed to scaffold academic writing for English language learners at intermediate and advanced levels of English proficiency. Concrete examples support the goal of teaching college and career ready standards across content areas."
—Charlene Rivera, Research Professor
The George Washington University Center for Equity and Excellence in Education
About the Author
1. Academic Oral Language Development as a Scaffold for Writing in the Common Core
2. Moving From Speaking to Writing Across Genres (the Curriculum Cycle)
3. From Spoken Language to Narrative Writing (Language Arts--Elementary)
4. From Spoken Language to Argumentative Writing (History—High School)
5. From Spoken Language to Informational Writing (Science—Middle School)
"This timely book collects oral language strategies designed to scaffold academic writing for English language learners at intermediate and advanced levels of English proficiency. Concrete examples support the goal of teaching college and career ready standards across content areas."
The George Washington University Center for Equity and Excellence in Education