Educational Assessment
Tests and Measurements in the Age of Accountability
Grounded in the real world of public schools and students, this engaging, insightful, and highly readable text introduces the inner-workings of K–12 educational assessment.
There has never been a time when it is more important for educators to have an understanding of testing and assessments. Accountability is now a fact of life for all public school educators, and testing is at the core of all educational assessment programs. It is no longer prudent or even possible for educators to ignore this national zeitgeist.
Educational Assessment: Tests and Measurements in the Age of Accountability addresses all of the constructs central to understanding the design, construction and evaluation of educational measures. It goes on to provide students with insight into the link between today's high-stakes testing mandates and the traditions of the past 125 years of "scientific" measurement in the United States. It addresses the problem of understanding and correctly interpreting test scores on local, statewide, national, and international assessments. It also addresses how certain issues such as institutionalized cheating, test preparation, and individual differences among students and their families influence test score outcomes.
Key Features
- Covers traditional topics in an approachable and understandable way: Reliability, validity, performance assessments, standardized achievement tests, and many more topics are included.
- Analyzes and interprets "hot-button" issues of today's complex measurement concerns: The score-gap, high-stakes testing, grade retention, drop-out crises, "academic redshirting,", diversity, family influence, and educational technology, are examined.
- Relates theory to practice: Each chapter includes relevant real-life examples and case studies to demonstrate how the technical-measurement principles impact those involved.
- Addresses the needs of diverse students: Issues related to students with special needs and the testing of English Language Learners are discussed.
Intended Audience: Educational Assessment: Tests and Measurements in the Age of Accountability has been written to meet the needs of students in graduate programs of special education, reading, school counseling, school social work, curriculum supervision, or administration. Providing grounding in all aspects of measurement, this book is perfect for undergraduate and graduate courses such as Educational Tests and Measurements, Assessment in Education, and Student Assessment.
"For one of the only times in my career, and according to my master's students' positive reactions and statements, Wright's text encourages readers to think closely and with high interest about current assessment in education. The book gives educators strong justification and clarification for what they have been thinking about assessment in their classrooms"
"This is the best book I’ve found for the Test and Measurements course for school counselors."
This book was requested for one course but turned out to be perfect for a more advanced course on individual assessment. This is a great text for any k-16 evaluator.
Very good book, could be supported with better teacher materials.
This textbook corresponded best with the assessment knowledge and skills needed by K-12 teachers in a master's degree program.
I like the focus on the whole school environment and how testing fits in historically. I like the clarity of explanations regarding test analysis and construction. I can build on this by adding specific information about music assessments.
Covered the material at an appropriated level for first year grad students.