Getting into Nursing
A complete guide to applications, interviews and what it takes to be a nurse
Nursing Research Methods
Considering a career in nursing and want to understand what is involved? Ready to take the plunge and looking for advice on choosing a course and succeeding in your application? This book has been written for you.
Why do you need this book?
· Learn what it is like to be a nurse today and what you’ll need to get there, from personal qualities and values to practical work experience and entry requirements
· Understand the different routes into nursing and how to choose the right field
· Practical advice and activities help you to write a compelling application and practise for your interview
· Top tips from students, lecturers and nurses provide an insight into what to expect from the process, and how to avoid common pitfalls
This is an exceptional text for applicants applying to get into nursing. i will be recommending it at open days and school and college events but not for the reading list for students on the programme
Much of the contents is not relevant for students who are already on a BSc nursing programme
A supportive text from application to getting started on the course.
Good layout and top tips.
I suggest this text in open days and use it for my own outreach work. It's informative and through and an excellent resource!