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Getting it Right

Getting it Right
A Behaviour Curriculum: Lesson Plans for Small Group Delivery (Key Stages 3 & 4)

January 2002 | 148 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
`The manual provides a structured programme that offers coping strategies to troubled pupils. As it is so well focused, teachers and LSAs would feel able to effectively deliver this support to pupils who are struggling to cope emotionally and behaviourally' - SNIP

The Getting it Right materials provide a motivating, structured and comprehensive programme which aims to offer even the most troubled pupils the opportunity to develop the skills, knowledge, understanding and self-belief which will help them to survive school.

Structured for small group work, the four sections include:

" motivating pupils

" setting and achieving goals

" locus of control

" the classroom context.

This resource will be welcomed by all those who work with difficult pupils in assisting their inclusion in mainstream education.

Unit 1
Why Should I Change My Behaviour?

`So What If I'm Excluded?'

A Vision for the Future - Identifying Positve and Negative Outcomes

Unit 2
Achieving Goals

One Step at a Time

Recognising and Overcoming Obstacles

Taking Responsiblity

Positive Thinking and Self-talk

Unit 3
Learning the Key Underlying Skills

Managing Feelings - Staying in Control

Getting What You Want - Assertiveness Skills

Having a Good Arguement

Unit 4
Surviving Teachers and Classrooms

Rules, Rights and Responsibilities

The Miracle Lesson - A Toolkit for Classroom Survival

Choices and Consequences - 'Trigger' Situations (Pupil Difficulties)

Choices and Consequences - 'Trigger' Situations (Responses to Others' Behaviour)

The Survival Mindset: Top 10 Skills

Putting it all into Practice and Measuring Progress