Looking at Inclusion
Listening to the Voices of Young People
- Ruth MacConville - Head of Special Educational Needs Service, London Borough of Ealing
May 2007 | 168 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
Developed from the work of specialist teachers in Ealing who have been involved in promoting inclusive practices, this book shows how eliciting the pupil's views and strengthening the pupil voice is an important element in the success of any inclusion project.
Covering a wide range of disabilities including Autistic Spectrum Disorders and Specific Learning Difficulties, it includes:
o Case-studies
o Descriptions of the difficulties encountered by the young
o Practical strategies to address these difficulties
o Useful resources.
Essential for any adult working in an inclusive setting, this fascinating book brings together theory with real practice.
Setting the Scene
Including Pupils with Autistic Spectrum Disorder
Including Pupils with Visual Impairment
Including pupils with Specific Learning difficulties
Including pupils with Hearing Impairment
Including Pupils with Physical Disabilities