“Looking back, I see now that I got the workout and the students got the worksheet.” – Ron Nash
"We no longer need to manage behavior when we give the students the skills, responsibility, and accountability needed to be productive. Ron Nash fine-tunes brain-based strategies to empower today’s learner across content areas. Transitioning from teacher-centered to engaged students, this book guides you through it all. I use these strategies in K-12 and also recommend them in my early childhood professional development workshops!"
Today's teachers thirst for tools that will help them engage students, minimize disruptions, and create classrooms where students flourish as 21st century learners. Ron Nash's newly updated From Seatwork to Feetwork provides those tools and so much more. With practical, research-based advice, Ron explains how to take "typical" (boring) classroom activities and transform them into exciting learning experiences that allow students to move around the classroom, collaborate with others, reflect on their learning, and take the lead on their educational journey!
This title is also available on SAGE Knowledge, the ultimate social sciences online library. If your library doesn’t have access, ask your librarian to start a trial.