"If you really want to be a great reading teacher, this is the book for you! Marie Carbo has the research and the recipe to raise literacy levels. Differentiated instruction, teaching to student strengths, and reading strategies that work make this a resource that must be on every teacher’s shelf."
"A dynamic guide for any teacher of reading who wants to improve instruction and engage and excite students with reading. This how-to guide not only brings good sense and balance to the teaching of reading, but helps teachers return the joy of reading to the learning experience."
"Carbo’s clear voice reminds teachers that all students have the right to learn through their strengths rather than through a prescriptive, one-size-fits-all formula."
"An excellent book that will reignite your passion for teaching students of all abilities to read. Dr. Carbo’s focus on matching appropriate reading methods to student strengths is a uniquely positive, student-centered approach in today’s world of massive core reading programs and skills-based agendas. The book provides a wealth of concrete, research-based strategies that will truly allow you to differentiate instruction and bring the joy of reading to all of your students."
"The Carbo assisted reading method has been proven to change the lives of many students by addressing their individual strengths and learning styles and promoting confidence and success in the areas of fluency and comprehension. Students become engaged and motivated readers through high-interest stories and choice of text. Not only do students learn to be successful readers, they also learn to love reading! That is the real success story!"
"Carbo excites educators about teaching reading while assuring them that having high expectations for struggling readers is a realistic vision."
"Marie Carbo presents an excellent road map that shows teachers practical, everyday strategies they can implement as keys to unlocking the mystery of learning to read. Carbo’s strategies help educators match their teaching styles to students’ reading styles and focus on using students’ strengths to address their academic weaknesses. Professional learning communities would benefit from using and discussing this book to keep the focus on students, their learning styles, and their academic success."
"Reading this book will teach or remind teachers to use key reading strategies, but most of all to remember that students learn through their strengths. This is so important and only Marie Carbo brings it to you in a way that makes so much sense and in a way that I have been looking for all my career."
"Connect, appreciate, and motivate—three powerful ideas that evolve in Carbo’s book. Reading becomes a personal triangle between the teacher, the student, and the wonderment of written words."
"Literacy is the key that opens doors for our children. This book provides effective, research-based strategies that ensure that ALL students receive the gift of literacy from their teachers."
"Illustrates clearly how it is possible for every child to learn to read. The implications for literacy instruction are phenomenal!"
"This book should be a textbook for all teachers of reading. Our entire school has used these effective practices and seen gains in reading every year. We have closed the gap between Caucasian and African American students, and many of our K–2 non-English-speaking students have achieved on-grade level reading scores within 1–2 years at our school. Simply amazing! We are now a powerful professional community of teachers who realize that we are very good at what we do."
This title is also available on SAGE Knowledge, the ultimate social sciences online library. If your library doesn’t have access, ask your librarian to start a trial.