'Explaining that he will use ‘coaching’ to mean mentoring also, the author sets out his aims as being to account for how coaching has emerged, to develop a meta-theory, offer ‘frames of thinking’ that resource practice, and to apply an emancipatory, ethical and critical approach so practice shifts from technocratic and functional to generative and progressive.
'In my view the Psy Expert Discourse chapter is in a class by itself. The theme here is the influence of psychology and psychotherapy on coaching. The author analyses this impact by taking different current psychotherapeutic approaches as points of departure. All are strutinized in terms of strengths and weaknesses they imply for coaches' - Gunnela Weslander International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching
Very readable text from an author with a clear passion to build a real sense of criticality and reflectivity to both coaching theory and practice. A real addition to the body of knowledge on key coaching and mentoring processes and thinking.
Valuable and insightful addition to the bookshelf
The critical approach is interesting for academic discussion but was not suitable for the aims of the course which were more related to concrete coaching procedures.
An interesting text which challenges some mainsteam understandings of mentoring and coaching.
good and adopted
I have used this to develop the strand of Coaching and Mentoring on our Mathematics Specialist Teacher course.
I haven't adopted it for students as yet but it will be useful for the cross-college mentor training I will be contributing to in the future.
A well written text but its structure is different from what I teach.
This books gives a very good ovrview of Mentoring and coaching styles, and underpins practice and discussions
This is well written text with specific issues for developing mentee in the workplace.
Too high a level for the qualifications in mentoring and coaching that we deliver
Highly recommended. Provides a subtle and comprehensive overview.
This is an excellent overview of Coaching and Mentoring as a field of practice. The critical nature of text gives a refreshing change to the advocate nature of most coaching texts which are usually promoting one model of coaching without examining coaching practice in and of itself. Highly recommended as an additional text in the review of Learning and Development Practices.
not as thought but passed the book on to another course for use. they have used this within the teacher training course
A worth while read for anyone who is on the A1 course as mentoring can be tuff and this book will aid you and guide you
This is a well written text. It supports the content of the coaching and mentoring units. It is focused on practice and practical issues. The text is not for beginners but would suit this course level. It develops a number of key thoughts for consideration.
I have used this extensively in my own writing, which will feature in my coaching sessions at the university. Therefore Western's book has been put as a strong recommendation onto our reading list; references to the book will be made throughout our course (in particular in terms of definition of coaching and mentoring). A very useful read!
Good background reading for learners - may be a little too advanced for the PTLLS course but I would recommend this as a additional text for learners interested in coaching and mentoring.
This title is also available on SAGE Knowledge, the ultimate social sciences online library. If your library doesn’t have access, ask your librarian to start a trial.