"In the book Transformative Professional Learning, Margery Ginsberg and colleagues get at the heart of student and teacher motivation. Rather than defaulting to a simple list of strategies that might more readily capture students' attention in the short term, they provide a comprehensive, research- and theory-based approach. If taken seriously, this book has the potential of transforming how we teach and why we teach."
"Margery Ginsberg pragmatically illustrates how teachers can learn from and support students' rich linguistic and ethnic diversity through inquiry and reflective practice. Educators seeking to enhance student motivation and learning will find this book an invaluable resource."
"This book offers engaging designs for collaborative learning through authentic experiences and supports communities of educators as they stretch their understanding of students and instruction."
"Given the presence of instructional expertise, Gnisberg's book is a highly user-friendly, practical guide for school professionals. The guidance can help educators successfully engage our most disaffected and disempowered students."
Below is the riveting review from Robert J. Dickey:
"Ginsberg’s Transformative Professional Learning is a highly user-friendly, practical guide for school professionals. Thoughtfully used, the strategies can be a powerful factor in 'unlearning' destructive beliefs and practices which for so long have led to unconscionable outcomes. Most importantly, the guidance can help educators successfully engage our most disaffected and disempowered students.
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