Succeeding in Essays, Exams and OSCEs for Nursing Students
Nursing Theory & Professional Issues
The word 'assessment' can strike terror into any student. However, providing evidence of knowledge and skills for professional practice is an integral and essential part of university life as a nursing student.
This book helps nursing students better understand the processes of assessment so that every student can achieve their potential in their studies. It looks at each of the major forms of assessment including essays, exams, portfolios, OSCIs, presentations and practice assessments. It specifically addresses the needs of nursing students on new degree courses and therefore gives a clear insight on how to succeed as a student nurse.
Key Features
- Linked to the latest NMC Standards and ESCs for the new degree;
- Examples of good and bad assessments apply the theory to practice;
- Plenty of activities help to build confidence in developing these skills.
This book is all about succeeding and steering nursing students. There are useful activities, examples of good and bad assessments, case studies to show where things can go wrong from the perspective of students and mentors, and some timely advice for working with other students on projects and presentations. I give this book five stars, and would make it six if I could.
This is a useful little book for student nurses
Good overall book with relevant material and information to support students through a variety of assessments.
An excellent resource for students who may require extra support with their academic writing.
Really useful tips and advice. The book is clearly written and user friendly
A useful source of information for all nursing students
A book that has been recommended as a resources for all students.
Well written and easy to read. Will equip you with everything you need to pass you essay, exam or OSCE.
This publication is always recommended for my students preparing for OSCE's & exams. Useful content for references and different styles of writing.