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The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science

The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Regulatory Intermediaries in the Age of Governance

Edited by:

April 2017 | 179 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc

Regulation is often viewed as a two-party relationship between a regulator (R) and the target (T) of its regulation. This volume purposes regulation as a three-party system, where diverse intermediaries (I) provide assistance to regulators and/or the target, by drawing on their own capabilities, authority, and legitimacy. The authors refer to this system as the “RIT model.”

 This volume of The ANNALS introduces examples of regulation that support the RIT model and examples that extend and build on the model. The RIT model is not limited to the activities of regulatory agencies, or even of the state. Rather, it characterizes all forms of regulation. Some of the cases discussed in this volume include food safety regulation, credit rating agencies, regulation of pharmaceuticals and medical devices, and rule intermediaries in global labor governance.

Kenneth W. Abbott, David Levi-Faur and Duncan Snidal
Introducing Regulatory Intermediaries
Kenneth W. Abbott, David Levi-Faur and Duncan Snidal
Theorizing regulatory intermediaries: The RIT model
Mathias Koenig-Archibugi and Kate Macdonald
The role of beneficiaries in transnational regulatory processes
Tetty Havinga and Paul Verbruggen
Understanding complex governance relationships in food safety regulation: The RIT model as theoretical lens
Timothy D. Lytton
The taming of the stew: Regulatory intermediaries in food safety governance
Graeme Auld and Stefan Renckens
Rule-making feedbacks through intermediation and evaluation in transnational private governance
Allison Marie Loconto
Models of assurance: Diversity and standardization of modes of intermediation
Andreas Kruck
Asymmetry in empowering and dis-empowering private intermediaries: The case of credit rating agencies
Martino Maggetti, Christian Ewert and Philipp Trein
Not quite the same: Regulatory intermediaries in the governance of pharmaceuticals and medical devices
Nicole De Silva
Intermediary Complexity in Regulatory Governance: The International Criminal Court’s Use of NGOs in Regulating International Crimes
Axel Marx and Jan Wouters
Rule intermediaries in global labor governance
Jeroen van der Heijden
Brighter and darker sides of intermediation: Target-oriented and self-interested intermediaries in the regulatory governance of buildings
Tom Pegram
Regulatory stewardship and intermediation: Comparative lessons from human rights governance
Jacint Jordana
Transgovernmental networks as regulatory intermediaries: Horizontal Collaboration and the realities of soft power
Big third-party certifiers and the construction of transnational regulation
Enriching the RIT Framework

Sage College Publishing

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