The Handbook of Humanistic Psychology
Theory, Research, and Practice
Second Edition
Edited by:
- Kirk J. Schneider - Vice President, Existential-Humanistic Institute; Adjunct Faculty, Saybrook University and the Columbia University, Teachers College; and Senior Consulting Editor, Journal of Humanistic Psychology
- J. Fraser Pierson - Southern Oregon University, USA
- James F. T. Bugental - Stanford University School of Medicine, USA, Professor Emeritus, Saybrook Graduate School and Research Center, Emeritus Professor, Saybrook Graduate School; Emeritus Clinical Faculty, Stanford Medical School, USA, Stanford University, USA
Positive Psychology
Positive Psychology
February 2014 | 832 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
The Second Edition of the cutting edge work, The Handbook of Humanistic Psychology, by Kirk J. Schneider, J. Fraser Pierson and James F. T. Bugental, represents the very latest scholarship in the field of humanistic psychology and psychotherapy. Set against trends inclined toward psychological standardization and medicalization, the handbook offers a rich tapestry of reflection by the leading person-centered scholars of our time. Their range in topics is far-reaching—from the historical, theoretical and methodological, to the spiritual, psychotherapeutic and multicultural.
E. Mark Stern
John Vasconcellos
Foreword to the First Edition
Kirk Schneider, Fraser Pierson
Preface to the Second Edition
Kirk Schneider, Fraser Pierson
Introduction to the Second Edition
Donald Moss
Chapt. 1, Roots and Geneology of Humanistic Psychology
Eugene Taylor, Frederick Martin
Chapt. 2. Humanistic Psychology at the Crossroads
Ilene Serlin, Eleanor Criswell
Chapt.3, Humanistic Psychology and Women
Louis Hoffman, Heatherlyn Cleare-Hoffman
Chapt. 4, Humanistic Psychology and Multiculturalism
Amedeo Giorgi
Chapt. 5, The Search for Psyche
Kirk Schneider
Chapt. 6, Rediscovering Awe: A New Front in Humanistic Psychology, Psychotherapy, and Society
Thomas Szasz
Chapt. 7, The Person as Moral Agent
Donald Polkinghorne
Chapt. 8, The Self and Humanistic Psychology
Louis Hoffman, Sharon Stewart, Lisa Meeks
Chapt. 9, Toward a Sustainable Myth of Self: An Existential Response to the Post-modern Condition
Marc Pilisuk
Chapt. 10, Humanistic Psychology and Ecology
Marc Pilisuk
Chapt. 11, Humanistic Psychology and Peace
Ruth Richards
Chapt. 12, Two Noble Insurgencies: Creativity and Humanistic Psychology
Tom Greening
Chapt. 13, Becoming Authentic: An Existential-Humanistic Approach to Reading Literature
Ed Mendelowitz
Chapt. 14 Fellini, Fred, and Ginger: Imagology and the Postmodern World
Brent Robbins, Susan Gordon
Chapt. 15, Humanistic Neuropsychology: The Implications of Neurophenomenology for Psychology
Nader Shabahangi
Chapt. 16, Humanistic Eldercare: Toward a New Conceptual Framework for Aging
Eugene DeRobertis
Chapt. 17, Toward a Humanistic-Cultural Model of Development
Christopher Aanstoos
Chapt. 18, Cognitive Science and Technological Culture: A Humanistic Response
Frederick Wertz
Chapt. 19, Humanistic Psychology and the Qualitative Research Tradition
Scott Churchill
Chapt. 20, Introduction to Phenomenological Research
David Rennie, Rinat Nissam
Chapt. 21, The Grounded Theory Method and Humanistic Psychology
Clark Moustakas
Chapt. 22, Heuristic Research
Ruth Josselson
Chapt. 23, Narrative Research and Humanism
Stanley Krippner
Chapt. 24, Research Methodology in the light of Postmodernity
Robert Elliot
Chapt. 25, Hermeneutic Single-Case Efficacy Design: An Overview
Kirk Schneider
Chapt. 26, The Renewal of Humanism in Psychotherapy: A Roundtable Discussion
Alfried Langle
Ch. 26 Intro
Alfried Langle, Jurgen Kriz
Ch. 26 European therapy
Lillian Comas-Diaz
Ch. 26 Multicultural therapy
Robert Stolorow
Ch. 26 Psychoanalysis
Bruce Wampold
Ch. 26 Research
David Elkins
Ch. 26 Research and Training
Steven Hayes
Ch. 26 ACT/Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
Kirk Schneider, Alfried Langle
Ch. 26 Summary and Conclusion
Bob Edelstein
Chapt. 27, Frames, Attitudes, and Skills of an Existential-Humanistic Psychotherapist
Maurice Friedman
Chapt. 28, Therapy as an I-Thou Encounter
Barry Duncan
Chapt. 29, The Person of the Therapist: One Therapist’s Journey to Relationship
Clemont Vontress, Lawrence Epp
Chapt. 30, Existential Cross-Cultural Counseling: The Courage to be an Existential Counselor
Loren Mosher
Chapt. 31, Treating Madness Without Hospitals
E. Mark Stern
Chapt. 32 Awe Comes Shaking Out of the Bones
Al Mahrer
Chapt. 33, If You Are Ready to Undergo These Awe-full Moments
Larry Leitner
Chapt. 34, Constructivist Approaches to Therapy
Myrtle Heery
Chapt. 35, A Humanistic Perspective on Bereavement
John Rowan
Chapt. 36, Existential Analysis and Humanistic Psychotherapy
Ernesto Spinell
Chapt. 36, A Reply to John Rowan
Maureen O’Hara
Chapt. 37, Humanistic psychology’s transformative role in a threatened world
Arthur Bohart
Chapt. 38, Humanistic-Experiential Therapies in the Era of Managed Care
Kirk Schneider
Chapt. 39, An Existential-Integrative Approach to Experiential Liberation
Connie Fishcer
Chapt. 40, Collaborative Exploration as an Approach to Personality Assessment
J. Pierson, Orah Krug, Troy Piwowarski
Chapt. 41, Cultivating Psychotherapeutic Artistry: Model Existential-Humanistic Training Programs
Eleanor Criswell, Ilene Serlin
Chapt. 42, Humanistic Psychology, Mind/Body Medicine, and Whole Person Healthcare
Chapt. 43, Romantic Love as Path
David Elkins
Chapt. 44, Beyond Religion
Roger Walsh
Chapt. 45, Authenticity, Conventionality, and Angst: Existential and Transpersonal Perspectives
Chapt. 45 A Reply to Roger Walsh
Donadrian Rice
Chapt. 46, Humanistic Psychology and Social Action
Alfonso Montuori, Ronald Pursor
Chapt. 47, Humanistic Psychology in the Workplace
Kirk Schneider, J. Pierson, James Bugental
Not adopted but recommended to students in the current syllabus and will likely be recommended in the next semester.
Psychology , California Institute of Integral Studies
November 7, 2014