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The Essentials

Third Edition

January 2021 | 432 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Victimology: The Essentials, Third Edition, concisely explores the effects of victimization in the United States and internationally, with an emphasis on vulnerable populations. Drawing from the most up-to-date research, this accessible, student-friendly text provides an overview of the field with a focus on the scope, causes, and responses to victimization today. Renowned author and researcher Leah E. Daigle expertly relays the history and development of the field of victimology, the extent to which people are victimized and why, and how the criminal justice system and other social services interact with victims and with each other. The highly anticipated Third Edition features contemporary issues such as cybervictimization, the neurobiology of trauma, the victimization of LGBQT people, and much more.

CHAPTER 1. Introduction to Victimology
Learning Objectives

What Is Victimology?

The History of Victimology: Before the Victims’ Rights Movement

The Role of the Victim in Crime: Victim Precipitation, Victim Facilitation, and Victim Provocation

The History of Victimology: The Victims’ Rights Movement

Contributions of the Victims’ Rights Movement

Victimology Today


Discussion Questions

Key Terms

Internet Resources

Multimedia Resources

CHAPTER 2. Extent, Theories, and Factors of Victimization
Learning Objectives

Measuring Victimization

Theories and Explanations of Victimization


Discussion Questions

Key Terms

Internet Resources

Multimedia Resources

CHAPTER 3. Consequences of Victimization
Learning Objectives

Physical Injury

Psychological Consequences

Economic Costs

System Costs

Vicarious Victimization


Fear of Crime


Discussion Questions

Key Terms

Internet Resources

Multimedia Resources

CHAPTER 4. Recurring Victimization
Learning Objectives

Types of Recurring Victimization

Extent of Recurring Victimization

Characteristics of Recurring Victimization

Risk Factors for Recurring Victimization

Theoretical Explanations of Recurring Victimization

Consequences of Recurring Victimization

Preventing Recurring Victimization


Discussion Questions

Key Terms

Internet Resources

Multimedia Resources

CHAPTER 5. Victims’ Rights and Remedies
Learning Objectives

Victims’ Rights

Financial Remedy

Remedies and Rights in Court


Discussion Questions

Key Terms

Internet Resources

Multimedia Resources

CHAPTER 6. Homicide Victimization: Written by Lisa R. Muftic and revised by Leah E. Daigle
Learning Objectives

Defining Homicide Victimization

Measurement and Extent of Homicide Victimization

Risk Factors for and Characteristics of Homicide Victimization

Types of Homicide Victimization

Victim Precipitation

Indirect or Secondary Victimization

Legal and Community Responses to Homicide Victimization


Discussion Questions

Key Terms

Internet Resources

Multimedia Resources

CHAPTER 7. Sexual Victimization
Learning Objectives

What Is Sexual Victimization?

Measurement and Extent of Sexual Victimization

Risk Factors for and Characteristics of Sexual Victimization

Responses to Sexual Victimization

Consequences of Sexual Victimization

Special Case: Sexual Victimization of Males

Special Case: Sexual Victimization of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Queer, and Transgender People

Legal and Criminal Justice Responses to Sexual Victimization

Prevention and Intervention


Discussion Questions

Key Terms

Internet Resources

Multimedia Resources

CHAPTER 8. Intimate Partner Violence
Learning Objectives

Defining Intimate Partner Violence and Abuse

Measurement and Extent

Who Is Victimized?

Risk Factors and Theories for Intimate Partner Violence

Consequences of Intimate Partner Violence

Why Abusive Relationships Continue

Criminal Justice System Responses to Intimate Partner Violence

Legal and Community Responses


Discussion Questions

Key Terms

Internet Resources

Multimedia Resources

CHAPTER 9. Victimization at the Beginning and End of Life: Child and Elder Abuse
Learning Objectives

Child Maltreatment

Elder Maltreatment


Discussion Questions

Key Terms

Internet Resources

Multimedia Resources

CHAPTER 10. Victimization at School and Work
Learning Objectives

Victimization at School

Victimization at School: Grades K–12

Victimization at School: College

Victimization at Work


Discussion Questions

Key Terms

Internet Resources

Multimedia Resources

CHAPTER 11. Property Victimization, Identity Theft Victimization, and Cybervictimization
Learning Objectives

Property Victimization

Identity Theft




Discussion Questions

Key Terms

Internet Resources

Multimedia Resources

CHAPTER 12. Victimization of Special Populations
Learning Objectives

Victimization of Persons With Disabilities

Victimization of Persons With Mental Illness

Victimization of the Incarcerated


Discussion Questions

Key Terms

Internet Resources

Multimedia Resources

CHAPTER 13. Victimology From a Comparative Perspective: Written by Lisa R. Muftic and revised by Leah E. Daigle
Learning Objectives

Victimology Across the Globe

Measurement and Extent of Victimization Across the Globe

Justice System Responses to Victimization

Victims’ Rights and Assistance Programs

Different Approaches in Different Locales


Discussion Questions

Key Terms

Internet Resources

Multimedia Resources

CHAPTER 14. Contemporary Issues in Victimology
Learning Objectives

Victims of Hate Crimes

Victims of Human Trafficking

Victims of Terrorism


Discussion Questions

Key Terms

Internet Resources

Multimedia Resources

About the Author

"This is a really good textbook for an undergraduate Victimology class. It covers all of the necessary topics and is easy for students to
read. I also think that the price point is very reasonable."

Molly Smith
University of Arkansas at Little Rock

"This is an excellent text that I use. I find the features in the book (discussion questions) and instructor resources (lecture slides and test
bank) really useful. Some instructors may find a short list of in-class activities helpful as well (included in the instructor resources)."

Chad Posick
Georgia Southern University

"I love this text. It is exactly what I am looking for in a Victimology text, and I plan on adopting it for the 2020 school year. This text
tackles the obvious victimology issues, but includes so much more, including global issues, female victim-issues, and hate crime issues."

McKenzie Wood
College of Western Idaho
Key features


·        A new section on cybervictmization has been included in Chapter 11 that covers technology-facilitated sexual violence, technology-based coercive control, revenge porn, and cyberbullying.

·         Focus on Research: Updated Focus of Research boxes are included throughout and feature recent research to  highlight the connection and influence research has had in the field of victimology.

·         Updated sections on prevention: Sections on prevention have been added and expanded in every chapter, including the prevention of child maltreatment, victimization of persons with disabilities, victimization of persons with mental illness, hate crime victimization, human trafficking, and terrorism.

·         Updated statistics: The latest data on victimization and types of victimization from NCVS and UCR are used throughout the chapters, as well as current data on human trafficking, theft, household burglary, motor vehicle theft, identity theft, victims of hate crime, victimization of persons with disabilities and of those who are incarcerated, and victims of terrorism.

New and expanded topics: The text examines victimization for people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, and transgender and how minority stress theory may account for their victimization; how victimization is a form of trauma and why it influences the brain; what consent is and the role it plays in sexual victimization; sexual victimizations perpetrated via technology and behaviors recently investigated as potential sexual victimization such as condom stealthing; how biopsychosocial explanations can be used to explain victimization.  


  • An overarching focus on the extent, causes, and responses to victimization equips students with the foundational knowledge they need to apply key concepts to real-life situations.     
  • Each chapter is specific to a type of victimizationconsistently defines and measures the type of victimization, provides the characteristics, risk factors, and consequences of victimization, and concludes with the responses taken by the legal system, the criminal justice system, and other social services.      
  • full chapter on comparative victimology offer students a global perspective for key topics and issues in victimology.
  • Research projects and findings within each chapter, both in Focus on Research boxes and throughout the narrative, highlight the connection and impact research has had in the field of victimology and offer questions for readers to reflect and discuss with classmates.

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