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Early Childhood Education

Early Childhood Education
History, Philosophy and Experience

Second Edition

February 2014 | 216 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd

This accessible introduction to the history of early childhood education emphasises the role of history and philosophy in early childhood practice today. Firmly grounded in current policy from across the UK, the text features a series of imagined conversations with key figures and pioneers, which exemplify various philosophical positions in early childhood. This second edition has been fully updated and revised in line with recent policy changes, and contains new and updated biographies of key pioneers as well as three brand new conversations with historical figures.


The book is useful for a range of students of Early Childhood Education or History of Education, from first year undergraduates to PhD students. It will also be incredibly valuable to Early Years trainee teachers, practitioners and policy makers.

The Legacy of History
Early Childhood Education in the UK: A Brief History

Foundation Stones: Some Key Figures Whose Work Has Influenced Thinking and Development of Provision for Young People

Into the Twenty-First Century: Twenty-Five Years of Policy Change
Understanding Recent History: 1988-2013

Into the Future, Learning from the Past


John Amos Komensky (Comenius)

Jean Jacques Rousseau

Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi

Robert Owen

Friedrich Froebel

Charles Dickens

Charlotte Mason

Rudolf Steiner

Sigmund Freud

Rachel McMillan

John Dewey

Margaret McMillan

Maria Montessori

Alexander Sutherland (A.S. Neill)

Susan Sutherland Isaacs

Louis Christian Schiller

Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky

Donald Woods Winnicott

Jean Piaget

Erik Erikson

Carl Rogers

Robin Tanner

Burrhus Frederick Skinner

Sir Alexander Bradshow Clegg (Alec Clegg)

Loris Malaguzzi

Chris Athey

Conversation 1 So, Who Needs History?

Conversation 2 Why Early Childhood Education?

Conversation 3 What Motivates Young Children to Learn?

Conversation 4 How Do Young Children Learn?

Conversation 5 A Policy of Creativity

Conversation 6 Looking Back to 'Education' and 'Care'... Challenging Current Policy through History

Conversation 7 Literacy in the Early Years: A Pedagogy of Patience?

Conversation 8 Children's Rights and Early Learning

Conversation 9 From God and Church to Awe and Wonder: Spirituality and Creativity in Early Childhood Education

1. Children's Rights

2. The Arts and Creativity

3. Literacy

4. Play, Learning and Pedagogy

5. Early Intervention

6. Home Learning and Parental Involvement in Early Education

7. Inclusion

8. Professional Development and Training


A very interesting read, particularly useful to trainees working towards QTS status within the 3-7 age range.

Mrs Jacqueline Young
Department Of Education, Sussex University
November 3, 2014

This introduction to the history and philosophy of early childhood education is very readable, with easily accessible summaries of many of the leading names in early years education and care. I particularly enjoyed the conversations between various theorists / academics and I will most certainly be referring my students to this book, particularly for extension work.

Mrs Judith Ballard
Care and Wellbeing, Brooklands College
October 13, 2014

An informative book about key people theories and practices in early childhood. It is good to have them all in one place. The chapters with voices brings a new way to bring theories, principles and practice to life.

I have included this in future reading in the book I am writing for SAGE 'Early Years Practice.'

Dr Elaine Hallet
Early Years and Primary Education, Institute of Education
October 6, 2014

The simplicity of the layout of this book is a real advantage; key theorists are easy to find, and information provided gives a good context to both educational philosophy, and the person as an individual. The content was very useful to looking at the 'history' of childhood and educational foundations; it covers a good breadth of time.

Mrs Nicola Sperrin
Education & Community, University College Birmingham
September 18, 2014

Full of really interesting information some of the tables are really useful for a quick reference.

Mrs Sarah Collyer
Childcare Department, Brooklands College
August 27, 2014

This text is unusual in that it provides examples of professional discussions between key researchers and theorists. This will be really useful for students who like to learn about perspectives through communication and understanding the thread of an idea or perspective.

Miss Catherine Farnon
Faculty of Community Studies, Highlands College
August 26, 2014

Excellent text supporting students to consider the historical background to current education models.

Mrs Michelle Armstrong-Harris
Vocational and Professional Studies, Guildford College
July 10, 2014

A text that comes highly recommended from me that provides students with an excellent grasp of some the key concepts of Early childhood Education.

Mrs Elizabeth Richards
Department of Social and Psychological Sciences, Edge Hill Univ.
July 9, 2014

Cathy Nutbrown & Peter Clough have written a book that provides a backbone for the study of Early Years.
This includes great summaries of relevant theorists and an unusualy presentation in the form of transcripts of conversations about about Early Years Education.
I really liked both of these and think that they will be great vehicles to support learning and understanding for students and lecturers alike.
Valuable to student and practitioners at all levels.

Ms Caroline Brooks
Childcare & Early Years, Sheffield College
June 20, 2014

A new edition of an established favourite. Helps introduce students to some of the key thinkers in early childhood education and compares their ideas in an innovative way.

Miss Caroline Meredith
School of Education and Innovation, Bishop Grosseteste University
June 17, 2014

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