Key Concepts in Organization Theory
- Ann L Cunliffe - Fundação Getúlio Vargas-EAESP, Brazil
- John T Luhman - Eastern New Mexico University, USA
SAGE Key Concepts series
Organizational Theory
From agency theory to power and politics, this indispensable guide to the key concepts of organization theory is your compass as you navigate through the often complex and abstract theories about the design and functioning of organizations. Designed to complement and elucidate your textbook or reading list, as well as introduce you to concepts that some courses neglect, this historical and interdisciplinary A-Z account of the field:
- Helps you understand the basics of organization theory
- Allows you to check your understanding of specific concepts
- Fills in any gaps left by your course reading, and
- Is a powerful revision tool
Each entry is consistently structured, providing a definition of the concept and why it's important to theory and practice, followed by a summary of current debates and a list of further reading. This companion will provide you with the nuts and bolts of an understanding that will serve you not just in your organization studies course, but throughout your degree and beyond.
Key concepts include: agency theory; business strategy; corporate governance; decision making; environmental uncertainty; globalization; industrial democracy; organizational change; stakeholder theory; storytelling and narrative research; technology and organization structure.
A very useful reference guide succinctly explaining and summarising key management concepts in a way that MBA students can use as an aid to memory and as a source of valuable information to help define and develop their theoretical frameworks.
Very useful especially for those entering a master thesis on organization behavior
I was looking for an essential textbook to prescribe for my Honnours level Organization Design course. Although I found this book to not be entirely suitable for this purpose, I found the topics covered to be more suitable for one of our 3rd year modules and have recommended that my colleague review the book for suitability for his course. We are also in a process of reviewing our undergraduate offering and some of the chapters covered in this publication seem very interesting and appropriate.
Very helpful book that provides students with an accessible overview of key concepts and points them in the direction of further reading
A helpful supplemental book. But does not have the breadth for a core text.
This is a key-book for every academic and student in business and management research. It provides excellent summaries of key concepts in organization theory positioning them within their historical context. It allows for a quick, accurate and comparative understanding of all the important theories and concepts in organisational theory and hence it will save you time and brain power in understanding what might of interest for your paper, study, assignment or PhD thesis.
This book provides a glossary of key terms in the field of OT that can be very useful for undergraduate students.
This book provides a valuable insight for students into key areas of organisational theory.
This is a brilliant foray into the realm of Organizational Theory, and highly recommended as a start point for students who are studying Organizations in any context. Each theory is clearly explained in the context of how it is applied. Superb for students to understand how the theory links to the real world.
A really great summary text, offering a detailed glossary of the prominent themes in organization studies and theory. My course has now started but I will include this on the reading list for next year. In the meantime I have shown it to students in class.