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Management and Business Review

Management and Business Review

Kalyan Singhal Merrick School of Business, University of Baltimore

ISSN: 26941058 Frequency: Quarterly
MBR seeks papers on many topics, including accounting, artificial intelligence and machine learning, business analytics, business and public policy, corporate governance, decision making, digitalization, finance, globalization, innovation, marketing, managing, negotiating, operations, organizational change, strategy, supply chains, and sustainability. We publish articles of various lengths (in print and digital forms, or in digital form only, graphics, podcasts, videos, and slide presentations). 

MBR articles must be interesting, relevant, and readable for a wide audience. Although many of the ideas presented in MBR will be rooted in research, they must contain a clear management message. It is therefore vital that all articles address real-world business systems. Novel research results must be tied to concrete management practices. Hence, the overarching characteristic of MBR will be articles that are relevant to the practice of management, efficiently written, and enjoyable to read. To achieve this, articles will be concise, supplemented with visual graphics and rich in real-world connections. We try to present ideals that will help readers to become smarter, more creative, and more confident in their work. To do that, we see out experts in management theory and practice and collaborate with them to express their thoughts to managers and to others working in their field. 

Editors in Chief
Wallace Hopp Ross School of Business, University of Michigan
Christopher Ittner The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Kalyan Singhal Merrick School of Business, University of Baltimore
Executive Editors
Subodha Kumar Fox School of Business, Temple University
Jaya Singhal Merrick School of Business, University of Baltimore
Kalyan Singhal Institute for Knowledge and Technology Management
Chief Operating Officer
Sushil Gupta Florida International University
Deputy Editor in Chief
Anup Srivastava Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary
Managing Editor
David Aaker Prophet
Regina Abram The Wharton School
Ritu Agarwal  
Raj Aggarwal Kent State University Foundation
Gad Allon The Wharton School
Edward Anderson University of Texas at Austin
Eugene Anderson University of Pittsburgh
Michael J. Arena Biola University
Paul A. Argenti Dartmouth College
Linda Argote Carnegie Mellon University
Anil Arya Ohio State University, USA
Baris Ata University of Chicago
Rob Austin University of Western Ontario, Canada
Karen Ayas The Ripples Group, USA
Arun Balakrishnan Formerly of Hindustan Petroleum
Raju Balakrishnan University of Baltimore, USA
Moloy Bannerjee Bangalore
Felix Barber Ashridge Strategic Management Centre
Richard Barker Oxford University
Caryn Beck-Dudley AACSB
CB Bhattacharya University of Pittsburgh
Amar Bhidé Tufts University, USA
John Birge University of Chicago
Sam Bodily University of Virginia
Robert Bordley University of Michigan
Joseph Bower Harvard University
Luiz Artur Ledur Brito Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo
Ryan Buell Harvard University
Andrew Campbell Ashridge Strategic Management Centre
Dennis Campbell Harvard University
Peter Cappelli Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, USA
Jeff Cares Alidade
Glenn Carroll Stanford University
Bhaskar Chakravorti Tufts University
Richard B. Chase University of Southern California
Fangruo Chen Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
Bruce Chew Monitor Deloitte
Sunil Chopra Northwestern University, USA
Vidyanand Choudhary University of California, Irvine, USA
Bhagwan Chowdhry Indian School of Business, India
Eric Clemons The Wharton School
Maxime Cohen McGill University
Morris Cohen The Wharton School
David Collis Harvard University
Charles Corbett UCLA
Stephanie Creary The Wharton School
David De Cremer National University of Singapore
Tugrul Daim Portland State University
Murray Dalziel University of Baltimore, USA
Tom Davenport Babson College, USA
George Day The Wharton School
Nicole DeHoratius University of Chicago
Marnik Dekimpe Tilburg University & KU Leuven
Brian Denton University of Michigan
Preyas Desai Duke University, USA
Robin Dillon-Merrill Georgetown University, USA
Yu Ding Texas A&M University, USA
Alexandre Dolgui IMT Atlantique
Matthew Drake Duquesne University, USA
Jean-Pierre Dubé University of Chicago , USA
Robert Eccles Oxford University, UK
Andreas Eisingerich Imperial College London, UK
Omar El Sawy University of Southern California, USA
Jehoshua Eliasbergh The Wharton School, USA
Richard Ettenson Thunderbird School of Global Management, USA
Paul W. Farris University of Virginia
Ken Favaro act2
Fred Feinberg University of Michigan, USA
Kasra Ferdows Georgetown University, USA
John de Figueiredo Duke University, USA
Charles Fine MIT, USA
Baruch Fischhoff Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Stewart Friedman The Wharton School, USA
Alfonso Gambardella Bocconi University, Milan, Italy
Giovanni Gavetti Dartmouth College, USA
Annabelle Gawer University of Surrey, UK
Mary Gentile University of Virginia , USA
Gerry George Georgetown University, USA
Stanley Gershwin MIT, USA
Pankaj Ghemawat New York University, US
Anindya Ghose New York University, US
Ranjan Ghosh Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, India
Itay Goldstein The Wharton School, USA
Mark Gottfredson Bain & Co., USA
Vijay Govindarajan Dartmouth College, USA
Linda Green Columbia University, USA
Dhruv Grewal Babson College, USA
Rajdeep Grewal University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Yael Grushka-Cockayne University of Virginia , USA
Alok Gupta University of Minnesota USA
Sushil K. Gupta Florida International University, USA
Stefan Haefliger City University of London, UK
Andrei Hagiu Boston University, USA
Nicholas Hall Ohio State University, USA
Gary Hamel London Business School, UK
Warren Hausman Stanford University, USA
Constance Helfat Dartmouth College, USA
Ola Henfridsson University of Miami, USA
Eric von Hippel MIT, USA
Teck-Hua Ho National University of Singapore, Singapore
Andrew Hoffman University of Michigan, US
kartik Hosanagar The Wharton School, USA
Arnd Huchzermeier WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management, Germany
Salal Humair Amazon, USA
Mark Huselid Northeastern University
J. Jeffrey Inman University of Pittsburgh , USA
Ravi Jagannathan Northwestern University
Anjani Jain Yale University, USA
Dipak Jain China Europe International Business School
Karuna Jain Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
Mansour Javidan Thunderbird School of Global Management, USA
Nicole T. Jenkins University of Virginia , USA
Nitin Joglekar Boston University, USA
M. Eric Johnson Vanderbilt University, USA
Ajit Kambil Deloitte
Karthik Kannan University of Arizona, USA
P.K. Kannan University of Maryland, USA
Uday Karmarkar University of California , Los Angeles, USA
Andrew Karolyi Cornell University, USA
Sunder Kekre Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Kevin L. Keller Dartmouth College, USA
L.Robin Keller University of California, Irvine, USA
Pinar Keskinocak Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Mikko Ketokivi IE Business School, Spain
Wolf Ketter Erasmus University, Netherlands
Adam M Kleinbaum Dartmouth College, USA
Art Kleiner Wise Advocate Enterprises and New York University
Prabhudev Konana University of Maryland, US
Praveen Kopalle Dartmouth College, USA
Ramayya Krishnan Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Nirmalya Kumar Singapore Management University, Singapore
Rajiv Kumar Microsoft India
V. Kumar Brock University, USA
Howard Kunreuther The Wharton School, USA
Eva Labro University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Mary Lacity University of Arkansas, USA
Karim Lakhani Harvard University, USA
Hau Lee Stanford University, USA
Josh Lerner Harvard University, USA
Baruch Lev New York University, US, USA
Arie Lewin Duke University, USA
Marianne Lewis University of Cincinnati, USA
Igor Linkov US Army Engineer Research and Development Center
Christoph Loch University of Cambridge, UK
Yadong Luo University of Cambridge, UK
Kalle Lyytinen Case Western Reserve University, USA
Steven M. Miller Singapore Management University - Singapore
John P. MacDuffie The Wharton School, USA
José A. Machuca Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
Costis Maglaras Columbia University,USA
Joseph Mahoney University of Illinois, USA
Ann Majchrzak University of Southern California, USA
Manoj Malhotra Case Western Reserve University, USA
Roger Martin University of Toronto, ON Canada
Carl Mela Duke University, USA
Jan Van Mieghem Northwestern University, USA
Philip Mirvis Global Network on Corporate Citizenship
Sunil Mithas University of South Florida, USA
Vikas Mittal Rice University, USA
Antonio (Toni) Moreno Harvard University, USA
Kara M. Morgan Ohio State University, USA
Ram Mudambi Temple University, USA
John Mullins London Business School, UK
Haig Nalbantian Mercer
Satish Nambisan Case Western Reserve University, USA
Paul Nunes Accenture
Vijay Padaki The P&P Group
Margherita Pagani SKEMA Business School, Paris
Mukul Pandya University of Oxford, UK
Geoffrey Parker Dartmouth College (Hanover, New Hampshire, United States)
Elisabeth Paté-Cornel Stanford University, USA
Koen Pauwels Northeastern University, USA
John Pearce Villanova University USA
Christine Pearson Thunderbird School of Global Management, USA
Maury Peiperl George Mason University, USA
Georgia Perakis MIT USA
Dino Petrarolo Competitive Capabilities International
Michael Pinado New York University, USA
Gary Pisano Harvard University, USA
David Pyke University of San Diego, USA
John R. Roberts University of New South Wales, Australia
Arun Rai Georgia State University, USA
Shivaram Rajgopal Columbia University, USA
Ananth Raman Harvard University, USA
K.V. Ramanathan University of Washington , USA
M.Rammohan Rao Indian School of Business, India
Michael Raynor Monitor Deloitte
Stefan Reichelstein Stanford University, USA
Werner Reinartz University of Cologne, Germany
Ortwin Renn University of Stuttgart, Germany
Deryck van Rensburg Pepperdine University, USA
Bert De Reyck Singapore Management University
Qin Rongsheng Beijing National Accounting Institute
Johan Roos Hult International Business School, UK
Aleda Roth Clemson University , USA
Roland Rust University of Maryland, USA
Hernan Saenz Bain & Company and Cornell University
Garth Saloner Stanford University, USA
Amy Salzhauer  
Vallabh Sambamurthy University of Wisconsin
Nada Sanders Northeastern University, USA
Joseph Sarkis Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA
Sargei Savin The Wharton School, USA
Mohanbir Sawhney Northwestern University, USA
Alan Scheller-Wolf Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Glen Schmidt University of Utah, USA
Paul J.H. Schoemaker The Wharton School, USA
Abraham Seidmann University of Rochester, USA
Sridhar Seshadri University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA
Suresh Sethi University of Texas at Dallas, USA
J.George Shanthikumar Purdue University, USA
Jason Shaw Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Yossi Sheffi MIT, USA
Max Shen University of California, Berkeley, USA
D.V.R Shesadri Indian School of Business (ISB), India
Jagdish Sheth Emory University, USA
Anil Shivdasani University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
David Simchi-Levi MIT USA
Jagmohan Singh Raju The Wharton School, USA
Kingshuk Sinha University of Minnesota USA
J.Cole Smith Syracuse University, USA
N.Craig Smith INSEAD
Edward A. Snyder Yale University, USA
Deepak Somaya University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Ron Soonieus Boston Consulting Group and INSEAD
Olav Sorenson UCLA, USA
Chester Spatt Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Mark Spearman Strategic Project Solutions, Inc., USA
Karen Spens Hanken School of Economics, Finland
James Spohrer IBM, USA
E.S. Srinivas Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, India
Kannan Srinivasan Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Rajendra Srivastava Indian School of Business, Hyderabad, India
Bradley Staats University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Christian Stadler University of Warwick, UK
Martin K. Starr Rollins College and Columbia University, USA
Jan-Benedict Steenkamp University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Fabian J. Sting University of Rotterdam, Netherlands
Donald Sull MIT, USA
Jayashankar Swaminathan University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Chris Tang UCLA, USA
Sridhar Tayur Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Douglas Thomas University of Southern California, USA
Stefan Thomke Harvard University, USA
Manoj Kumar Tiwari IIM Mumbai, India
Brian Tomlin Dartmouth College, USA
Suzanne de Treville University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Alex Triantis Johns Hopkins University, USA
Michael Trick Carnegie Mellon University, USA
David Ulrich University of Michigan, USA
Gregory Unruh George Mason University, USA
Asoo Vakharia University of Florida, USA
Andrew Van de Ven University of Minnesota, USA
Luk Van Wassenhove INSEAD, France
Rohit Verma Cornell University, USA
J. Miguel Villas-Boas University of California, Berkeley, USA
Ivo Welch UCLA, USA
George Westerman MIT, USA
Seungjin Whang Stanford University, USA
Andrew B. Whinston University of Texas at Austin, USA
Jerry Yoram Wind The Wharton School, USA
Patrick Wright University of South Carolina, USA
George Wu University of Chicago, USA
Houmin Yan City University of Hong Kong, China
Deborah Yao AI Business
Dennis Yao Harvard University, USA
George S. Yip Imperial College London, UK
S. David Young INSEAD, France
Fuqiang Zhang Washington University in St. Louis, USA
Xiande Zhao China Europe International Business School, China
Feng Zhu Harvard University, USA
Jerry Zimmerman University of Rochester, USA
Assistant Editor
Associate Editors
Jonathan Z. Zhang Colorado State University, USA
Michael Wade IMD
S. Viswanathan (Vish) Nanyang Technological University
Amrit Tiwana University of Georgia
Ravi Subramanian Georgia Institute of Technology
Mohan Sodhi City University of London
Stefan Seidel University of Liechtenstein
Leyland Pit Simon Fraser University
Kiran Panchamgam Oracle
Amit Mehra University of Texas at Dallas
Christos A. Makridis U.S. Council of Economic Advisers
Yan Li ESSEC, Singapore
Murat Kristal York University
Vijay Gurbaxani University of California, Irvine
Jan Fransoo Kühne Logistics University
Kevin Desouza Queensland University of Technology
Leander De Schutter Erasmus University
Haluk Demirkan University of Washington Tacoma & Amazon Science
Avi Carmeli Tel Aviv University
Arnaldo Camuffo Bocconi University
Jennifer Blouin The Wharton School
P.V. Sundar Balakrishnan University of Washington Bothell
Naren Agrawal Santa Clara University
Communication Editor
Seokjun Youn University of Arizona
Editorial Review Board
Jaideep (Jay) Anand Ohio State University
Sudhakar Balachandran University of Illinois at Chicago
Metin Çakanyildirim University of Texas at Dallas
Arnaldo Camuffo Bocconi University
Dave Chatterjee University of Georgia
Thomas Choi Arizona State University
Anatoli Colicev University of Liverpool, UK
Shiliang Cui Georgetown University
Peggy Cunningham Dalhousie University
Timothy M. Devinney University of Manchester
Varun Dutt Indian Institute of Technology, Mandi
Mark L. Frigo DePaul University
Bibhas C. Giri Jadavpur University
Ronald Goodstein Georgetown University
Mary C. Lacity University of Arkansas
Ted London University of Michigan
Alan J. Malter The University of Illinois at Chicago
Jason Merrick Virginia Commonwealth University
Kyle B. Murray University of Alberta
Leela Nageswaran University of Washington
Kiran Panchamgam Oracle
Elliot Rabinovich Arizona State University
Timothy L. Smunt University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Yinliang (Ricky) Tan Tulane University
Andy Wu Harvard University
Zhibin (Ben) Yang University of Oregon
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