Boréus uses a commanding knowledge of migration policy and an in-depth database on policy discourses to provide a forensic account of how these policies are discussed and shaped, both from the mainstream and fringes, in six key European country cases.
A key contribution to understanding migration discourses of radical right and racist parties across Europe. This detailed analysis further points out a frightening development: the normalization of right-wing populist and racist discourses among mainstream parties. As such, it is a crucial book for scholars and students of political science, discourse studies and social sciences in general.
Kristina Boréus’ rich analysis of text and talk is firmly grounded in political histories, and her focus on the interplay of mainstream and radical right rhetoric and politics offers unsettling insights into the founding ideologies of European nation states. There is reason for concern – and it’s not only the radical right we need to worry about.
This book delves into radical right and mainstream rhetoric and discourse about migrants, showing the influence on politics in Sweden, Denmark and Austria, all affluent welfare-state countries. Boréus shows in an accessible and methodologically accurate way that the rhetoric and the discourses that target migrants in a negative way contribute to naturalize discrimination and patterns of poisoning racialization.
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