"Every child must reach their potential, that is the moral imperative that Michael Fullan is again calling our attention to! Not only does The Moral Imperative Realized shine the light on the path that each of us in Public Education must walk; it provides the call to action that we must answer!"
"The Moral Imperative Realized is a call to action. Michael Fullan makes it clear that the most pious mission statement held with passionate conviction will not improve schools unless educators take strategic actions to bring that mission to life. More importantly, he offers specific examples of system-wide improvement with such precise strategies for implementation that inaction is no longer an option for educators who contend they are committed to high levels of learning for all students. Like all of Fullan's work, this is a must read."
"Michael Fullan ups the ante once again for school reformers. In The Moral Imperative Realized, he makes it clear that anyone who ignores the moral dimensions of of school improvement is doomed to fail. This is an essential resource for any change leader."
"A powerful and timely book that forcefully says that the only moral reality that counts is one that you can actually accomplish. And then Fullan shows how this can be done."
"Michael Fullan has given us a powerful roadmap for combining passion and strategic action. Practical, succinct and engaging. If this book doesn't move leaders to realize their moral imperative, nothing will!"