If you are looking for straight talk about real educational conversations that matter …without the sugar coating and jargon that many educational books contain…pick this one up. It is the real deal; it will make a difference in your mentoring and coaching practice!
Where was a book like this when I first became a school principal? If I had read a book like this while I was a new principal, I know for certain that I would not have had so many difficult challenges during my first year. This book will be extremely beneficial for all those aspiring to be school leaders and those who are currently serving in a school leadership role. I loved the book and would definitely recommend it to any leadership training academy.
Opening the Door to Coaching Conversations is beneficial and has some strong recommendations for school leaders to effect change and school improvement. Much has been written on the need to build relationships in the school setting. Coaching staff to excellence is a concept that many leaders can utilize to become more effective leaders.
Opening the Door to Coaching Conversations represents a collection of leadership behaviors, stories, conversations, and practices from which one can select to reflect on his or her own unique interests. It expands confidence and capacity to support change through coaching.
Coaching is one of the most promising practices in the reformation of our educational practices. This book explains and exemplifies the essential elements of effective coaching, and brings them to life through a variety of stories that will resonate in some way with every reader. This book is a gift to the field change process in which we are all engaged.
Opening the Door to Coaching Conversations is a book that will not collect dust on the shelf. It is written in a manner that can be used either as a book to read cover to cover or as a quick reference guide to help plan how to deal with unique situations. The book is an easy read, yet very useful for busy school leaders.
"The focus on coach leadership principles as they play out in real-world situations makes for a powerful guide highly recommended for any education collection interested in coaching team teaching."
“An indispensable practical coach-leader’s guide into how to transform a simple conversation into an intentional and productive dialogue in which the coach-leader engages their staff to take action and achieve the desired results."