'I am very excited about this book. It fills many gaps: the age group focused on, the integration of theory with observations of schema learning, effective learning and teaching in play settings.
[This book] is original in the way that it situates schema theory in the context of other contemporary theories about care, learning and development, and also original in its specific focus on babies and toddlers. The observations of these very young children’s activities and their play are strikingly written; the book is exceptional for the quality of its material and the skilful ways in which narratives from children’s lives are presented.
Very useful for individuals who would like a greater understanding of schemas, particularly within the under-researched area of birth to three
A very useful, well written, easy to understand text about children's schemas.
Nutbrown is widely used on most early years courses and this book fulfils many of the course objectives and initiates many discussion opportunities and points of reference for critical analysis.
Helpful insight into children's play and why they do what they do the way they do.
This is an excellent text for students on early childhood programs. Accessible to students for level 4 and upwards.
Very thorough and pertinent to child development and professional studies
A very clear book which explains clearly schemas.
Informative, accessible and comprehensive text suitable for all students and practitioners. Great for study and for developing or updating practice.
A very welcomed text. It strengthens and supports findings from research surrounding schematic learning in young children. Excellent pictorial evidence and case studies that demonstrate schematic learning experiences which will strongly support student’s knowledge and understanding. The observations of schematic learning can only enhance the role of the working professional who wants to improve practice when working with the under three age range. Particularly welcomed is the links with theoretical and research knowledge e.g. Rogoff.
This book is filled with wonderful images and descriptive observational material. Students have found the text accessible and really informative, as it has been cited on frequent occasions by students studying the Developing Child Module.
Fantastic...a highly recommended text. The pictures and descriptions show exactly how schemas work which enables students to look for examples in their own practice. It is such a clear read for people unfamiliar with the concept of schemas and a good text for tutors to refer to in lectures...excellent!
Fascinating insight into developing schemata of young children. Useful for all early childhood and early years education programmes.
Thought provoking book with thorough coverage of schematic behaviourwith plenty of illustrative examples.
This book has very useful case studies which students can explore to deepen their understanding of schemas. It also contains many photographs to illustrate a range of schemas which students will find helpful.
This book is very relevant to our Health Visitor Students when they are considering how young children learn. It does not currently fit into any of our modules directly as it is very specific but I do refer to when discussing practice.
This is a very comprehensive and useful book for our Level 3 students. It is a very accessible read for them and is well laid out. I enjoyed the 'All about Henry'section, which I feel will be very beneficial for students enabling them to understand schema in practice.
The use of images helps to illustrate explanations
Too many cases studies and not enough theory to then relate to practice. (good use of imagery though)
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