A solid textbook on social work interventions.
Succinct, focused, comprehensive. Very reader and user-friendly. Perfect for my students on placement. Ideal really. Highly recommended.
This book gives a good and highly readable overview of a range of social work interventions. Following a case study related to one family the book uses an accessible format in order to explain the relevance of the varied methods under discussion at different parts of the social work process. The chapters written by the editor himself are perhaps its strongest with the overview of pyschosocial approaches and the argument for eclectic models well thought out.
This is on my essential list as it provides a good overview along with a couple of other key text.
Great book which introduces the notions of intervention and managing social work with service users.
Students find this an accessible resource which covers the key areas.
A very useful text for 'Theories and Methods' work. Suggested activities are particularly helpful, and practical in the Motivational Interviewing and SFBT chapters.
I had the previous version on loan from our library most of last year and am pleased the book has been revised to include the professional capabilities framework.
A very useful for Access to Social Science students intending to study for a degree in Social work.
A very useful resource for Access to Social Science students intending to study for a degree in Social work.
Interesting manual with practical value and good theoretical base.
Key text for theories and methods of intervention. Recommended as core text locally in Northern Ireland
A very good book for year 1 social work students. Gives a good and in depth understanding around social work intervention.
A very welcome addition to developing students understanding around social work intervention.
Valuable text for first year SW degree students especially on Preparation for Practice studies.
This title is also available on SAGE Knowledge, the ultimate social sciences online library. If your library doesn’t have access, ask your librarian to start a trial.