Sociology Today
Social Transformations in a Globalizing World
- Arnaud Sales - University of Montreal, Canada
Sociology of Globalization
We are living in a turbulent world marked by fast, continuous social changes that affect the lives of individuals, families, communities, organizations, businesses, nation-states, and international networks. This fundamentally commits contemporary sociology to being a science of change.
This collection effectively mirrors this diversity and variety of transformations underway in today's societies and transnational spaces. Written by a group of internationally renowned sociologists, it offers a cutting edge understanding of what is happening in our life worlds, work lives and frames of social existence. Bringing up issues such as political turbulence, cultural and artistic dynamics, family changes, gender roles, migration flows and social movements, it is a timely contribution that discusses transformation and globalization and their consequences on diverse platforms.
Illuminating and comprehensive, this book will be of immense use for sociology students on all levels, as well as lecturers, researchers and others who are interested in social life and the consequences of human action.
In a remarkable feat of collaboration, Arnaud Sales has persuaded several of the world's leading sociologists to contribute to a truly student-friendly text that ranges over the often quite subtle transformations that today's 'networked' world have made to both the concepts and objects of the discipline. Overall the book manages a welcomed reassertion of the continuing need for a broadly institutionalist, macro-sociological perspective.
Steve Fuller
Auguste Comte Professor of Social Epistemology, University of Warwick
o livro “Sociology Today” apresenta tanto uma síntese bastante acurada do contexto atualexperenciado pelas sociedades nacionais e global, e a multiplicidade de fenômenos implicados; quanto uma leituraatual das diferentes perspectivas teóricas que, com destaque, têm auxiliado na compreensão do processo de rápidatransformação social global experenciado nas últimas décadas.
The edited volume from Arnaud Sales “Sociology Today” provides a concise anthology of sociological debates on social transformation processes. A strength of the book is the bringing together of diverse theoretical positions under a broadly defined institutionalist perspective which focuses on the interaction of strategies of action, institutions and social structures. In doing so, the book convinces with a well-structured layout which presents the extensive range of topics in a transparent manner.
Ce livre est foisonnant. La majorité des chapitres présente des analyses riches, des points de vue novateurs. Il présente un caractère nettement pédagogique par plusieurs aspects : La grande variété des champs couverts ; Chaque article est accompagné d'une liste de questions de discussion qui se présentent comme des exercices permettant au lecteur d'interroger sa compréhension du texte et éventuellement de l'approfondir ; Chaque article est aussi complété par une abondante bibliographie. Il est donc particulièrement adapté à une utilisation par des enseignants et des étudiants soucieux de trouver une revue des questions que se posent les sociologues par rapport à la globalisation du monde. Aux lecteurs qui ne trouveront pas l'équivalent en français, il propose un condensé des réflexions de sociologues anglophones sur ces questions.