Understanding Statistical Analysis and Modeling
- Robert Bruhl - University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Intermediate/Advanced Statistics | Quantitative Methods | Quantitative Research Methods in Education | Quantitative/Statistical Research in Business & Management | Research Methods in Sociology | Statistics - General Interest | Statistics in Political Science | Statistics in Political Science | Statistics in Sociology
Understanding Statistical Analysis and Modeling is a text for graduate and advanced undergraduate students in the social, behavioral, or managerial sciences seeking to understand the logic of statistical analysis. Robert Bruhl covers all the basic methods of descriptive and inferential statistics in an accessible manner by way of asking and answering research questions. Concepts are discussed in the context of a specific research project and the book includes probability theory as the basis for understanding statistical inference. Instructions on using SPSS® are included so that readers focus on interpreting statistical analysis rather than calculations. Tables are used, rather than formulas, to describe the various calculations involved with statistical analysis and the exercises in the book are intended to encourage students to formulate and execute their own empirical investigations.
Password-protected Instructor Resources include the following:
- Editable, chapter-specific Microsoft® PowerPoint® slides offer complete flexibility in easily creating a multimedia presentation for your course.
- Sample syllabi help you prepare a course using Understanding Statistical Analysis and Modeling.
- Extra exercises including solutions reinforce the key concepts of each chapter and can be used as test questions.
- All figures and tables from the book available for download.
The open-access Student Study Site includes the following:
- Solutions to selected exercises and problems from the book
- EXCLUSIVE! Access to multimedia from the SAGE Research Methods platform featuring videos with the author
“This is a well-thought out and designed text that gives students an open and accessible introduction to the concepts and techniques necessary for conducting social science research.”
“This book presents the opportunity for those teaching statistics to present probability theory in a non-intrusive manner, allowing students to move beyond their fears of probability theory and access one of the most important aspects of really understanding statistics.”
“This text takes a refreshing approach to presenting statistical concepts in a methodologically rigorous yet meaningful way that students will intuitively grasp.”
“This text has a competitive edge over similar textbooks. I strongly recommend it to students who want to have a clear understanding of how to develop good research questions and select statistical techniques appropriate in answering the research questions.”
“Readers will be surprised how much they are learning about statistics and statistical analysis as they read this book. The author presents mathematical concepts by first starting with the familiar and gently guiding the reader in more unfamiliar territory.”
“This book provides a thorough introduction to statistics. End-of-chapter exercises and SPSS® tutorials will greatly enhance students' abilities to transfer skills learned in the classroom to real-world problems.”
“Functional and straightforward. A comprehensive introduction to statistics!”
“This is a remarkable book that integrates examples, SPSS® tutorials, and exercises. The chapters provide an in-depth analysis of the key concepts. This book is an essential resource for advanced-level undergraduate students and graduate students in the study of statistical analysis."
“An enjoyable read. The book has the potential to promote numeracy among the general public, and serve as a resource in statistics education.”
Sample Materials & Chapters
Chapter 14: Correlation Analysis and Linear Regression_Assessing the Co-Variabil