What’s New in the Third Edition
Acknowledgments for the First Edition
Acknowledgments for the Second Edition
Acknowledgments for the Third Edition
About the Author
Chapter 1. Introduction and Overview of White-Collar Crime: A Systems Perspective
Why Study White-Collar Crime?
Researching White-Collar Crime
Studying White-Collar Crime From a Scientific Perspective
The Student Role in White-Collar Crime
Chapter 2. Understanding White-Collar Crime: Definitions, Extent, and Consequences
White-Collar Crime: An Evolving Concept
Modern Conceptualizations of White-Collar Crime
Extent of White-Collar Crime
Consequences of White-Collar Crime
Public Attitudes Toward White-Collar Crime
Characteristics of White-Collar Offenders
Chapter 3. Crime in Sales-Related Occupations: A Systems Perspective
Employee Theft in the Retail System
Crime in the Entertainment Services System
Fraud in the Sales/Service System
Crime in the Insurance System
Chapter 4. Crime in the Health Care System
Elder Abuse by Health Care Workers
Durable Medical Equipment Fraud
Chapter 5. Crime in Systems of Social Control: White-Collar Crime in Criminal Justice, Military, and Religious Systems
Crime in the Criminal Justice System
Crime in the Military System
Crime by Officials in the Religious System
Chapter 6. Crime in the Political System
Campaign Finance Violations
Apolitical White-Collar Crime
President Donald Trump and Crime in the Political System
Chapter 7. Crime in the Educational System
Crimes by Professionals in the Educational System
Pecuniary-Oriented Offenses
Crimes in the Educational System by Students
Chapter 8. Crime in the Economic System
Crime in the Economic System
Ponzi and Pyramid Schemes
Patterns Surrounding Investment Fraud
Chapter 9. Crime in the Cyber System
Conceptualizing Crime in the Cyber System
Characteristics of Cybercriminals
Chapter 10. Crime by the Corporate System
Conceptualizing Corporate Crime
Dynamics of Corporate Offending
Public Concern About Crimes by the Corporate System
Chapter 11. Environmental Crime
Conceptualizing Environmental Crime
Varieties of Environmental White-Collar Crime
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Problems Addressing Environmental Crimes
Chapter 12. Explaining White-Collar Crime
Culture and White-Collar Crime
Deterrence Theory/Rational Choice Theory and White-Collar Crime
Strain Theory and White-Collar Crime
Learning Theory and White-Collar Crime
Neutralizing and Justifying White-Collar Crime
Control Theory and White-Collar Crime
Self-Control Theory and White-Collar Crime
Routine Activities Theory and White-Collar Crime
Conflict Theory and White-Collar Crime
Explaining Corporate Crime
Theories Ignored in the White-Collar Crime Literature
Integrated Efforts to Explain White-Collar Crime
Chapter 13. Policing White-Collar Crime
Agencies Involved in Responding to White-Collar Crime
Law Enforcement Strategies and White-Collar Crime
Suggestions for Improving the Law Enforcement Response to White-Collar Crime
Self-Policing and White-Collar Crime
Regulatory Policing and White-Collar Crime
The Global Police and White-Collar Crime
Chapter 14. Judicial Proceedings and White-Collar Crime
Types of Judicial Proceedings Responding to White-Collar Misconduct
The Role of Judges in Addressing White-Collar Crime
The Role of Prosecutors in Addressing White-Collar Crime
The Role of Defense Attorneys in White-Collar Crime Cases
Other Actors Involved in White-Collar Crime Judicial Proceedings
Civil Lawsuits and White-Collar Crime
Issues in White-Collar Crime Judicial Process
Chapter 15. The Corrections Subsystem and White-Collar Crime
Sentencing Dynamics and White-Collar Offenders
The Prison Experience for White-Collar Offenders
The Probation and Parole Experience for White-Collar Offenders
Monetary Fines and White-Collar Offenders
Alternative Sanctions and White-Collar Offenders
Punishing Corporations for White-Collar Crime
Reasons for Punishing White-Collar Offenders