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Assessing Children's Writing

Assessing Children's Writing
A best practice guide for primary teaching

First Edition

April 2019 | 184 pages | Learning Matters
This book supports teachers and trainee teachers with the assessment of writing, and particularly assessment as part of the cycle of planning and teaching – assessment used formatively.

- Explores the issues and challenges in the assessment of writing
- Highlights the importance of specific feedback
- Features examples of children's work and detailed guidance on how to assess each piece
- Includes a chapter on supporting children to write more outside of school

Becoming a writer
Early writing development
Non-fiction writing
Sentence level aspects of writing – sentence variation
Vocabulary choice
Writing at home
The curriculum and statutory assessment
Conclusion: where next with the assessment of writing?

Really useful for assessing different types of writing and also for suggestions for how to support children.

Kerenza Ghosh
School of Education, Roehampton University
March 2, 2020

For instructors

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