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Facilitator's Guide to How to Teach Students Who Don't Look Like You

Facilitator's Guide to How to Teach Students Who Don't Look Like You
Culturally Relevant Teaching Strategies

April 2008 | 64 pages | Corwin

Help teachers reflect, shift perceptions, and find more effective approaches for teaching their students!

Based on the best-selling book How to Teach Students Who Don't Look Like You, this guide gives staff developers and workshop leaders the tools to facilitate book study groups, seminars, and professional development events that help teachers close the achievement gap for culturally and ethnically diverse students. Facilitators will be able to demonstrate culturally appropriate and research-based teaching strategies for diverse learners and lead discussions on topics that include

  • Identifying cultural factors that influence educators' perceptions of their students
  • Creating supportive school cultures and learning environments
  • Understanding learners' communication styles, classroom behaviors, and learning needs
  • Developing and strengthening students' reading and writing skills
  • Building relationships and community with students

The chapter-by-chapter study guide follows the same format as the companion book and features

  • Activities
  • Discussion questions
  • Suggestions for practical applications
  • Chapter summaries
  • Handouts
  • Resources for extending learning
  • Sample agendas for half-day, one-day, and three-day workshops
  • A workshop evaluation form

The Facilitator's Guide to How to Teach Students Who Don't Look Like You is ideal for staff developers or anyone leading professional development for groups of any size—pairs, small workshops, or large seminars.

About the Author

How to Use This Guide

Additional Resources for Facilitators
Chapter-by-Chapter Study Guide: How to Teach Students Who Don't Look Like You: Culturally Relevant Teaching Strategies by Bonnie M. Davis
Part I: Building Background Knowledge About Diverse Learners
Chapter 1. Our Culture: The Way We View the World

Chapter 2. Understanding Diverse Learners

Chapter 3. What We Know About the Achievement Gap

Part II: Examining Our Inner World
Chapter 4. Reflecting on the Educator Self

Chapter 5. Exploring Our Racial Identity

Chapter 6. A Day in the Life . . .

Part III: Creating a Learning Environment That Supports Diverse Learners
Chapter 7. Building Community Through Research-Based Learning Expectations

Chapter 8. Creating a School Culture That Welcomes Diverse Learners

Chapter 9. Using Books to Support School and Community Partnerships

Chapter 10. Cultivating Relationships With Diverse Learners

Part IV: Research-Based Teaching Strategies for Diverse Learners
Chapter 11. Reaching Diverse Learners Through Strategic Instruction

Chapter 12. Inspiring Diverse Learners to Love Reading and Writing

Chapter 13. Improving Reading Skills: Reading Aloud

Chapter 14. Building a Balanced Literacy Classroom: Reading and Writing Workshops

Chapter 15. Differentiating Instruction

Chapter 16. Multidisciplinary Experiences

Chapter 17. Sponsoring Academic Student Support Groups

Handout 1: Venn Diagram

Handout 2: List of Research-Based Classroom Strategies to Improve the Academic Achievement of Diverse Learners

Sample Workshop Agendas
Half-Day Workshop Agenda

One-Day Workshop Agenda

Three-Day Workshop Agenda

Workshop Evaluation Form

I have used HOW TO TEACH STUDENTS WHO DON'T LOOK LIKE YOU as a required text for a graduate level "Diverse Classrooms" course. Students have found it to be a superb resource and I have received consistently positive feedback on this text. The accompanying FACILITATOR'S GUIDE to HOW TO TEACH STUDENTS WHO DON'T LOOK LIKE YOU provides additional information and ideas and that, too, has been well received by students. My graduate students are currently teaching or finishing their Masters Degree for teacher certification. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED TEXT!

Professor Judi Weissman
School of Professional Development, Suny Stony Brook University
February 24, 2011

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ISBN: 9781412968522