Ethics and Education Research
- Rachel Brooks - University of Oxford, UK
- Kitty te Riele - Victoria University, Australia
- Meg Maguire - King's College London, UK
Part of the popular BERA/SAGE Research Methods in Education series, this is the first book to specifically focus on the ethics of Education research. Drawn from the authors’ experiences in the UK, Australia and mainland Europe and with contributions from across the globe, this clear and accessible book includes a wide range of examples
The authors show how to:
- identify ethical issues which may arise with any research project
- gain informed consent
- provide information in the right way to participants
- present and disseminate findings in line with ethical guidelines
All researchers, irrespective of whether they are postgraduate students, practising teachers or seasoned academics, will find this book extremely valuable for its rigorous and critical discussion of theory and its strong practical focus.
Rachel Brooks is Professor of Sociology and Head of the Sociology Department at the University of Surrey, UK.
Kitty te Riele is Principal Research Fellow in the Victoria Institute for Education, Diversity and Lifelong Learning, at Victoria University in Australia.
Meg Maguire is Professor of Sociology of Education at King’s College London.
really useful text for doc students. has helped contextualise and provide framework for ethical considerations
Rachel Brooks writes an informative and helpful text on the important considerations of ethics when undertaking research. She provides discussion and examples that are helpful to students who are new to research as well as those who are furthering their studies.
This is an excellent and comprehensive look at educational research ethics. A well-worth buy as recommended background reading.
An excellent text on the subject recommended to students
This book reminds researchers that ethical considerations do not end with obtaining consent but affect the whole research process. It is a practical source on how to ensure an ethical research process.
Very useful for my PDAP course.
Useful guide in application for Education.
This is a very useful book, for those researching education, at all levels. For beginners, it provides an insightful synopsis of the rationale of ethics in research methodology. For the more experienced researcher the book is useful for research design, and understanding relationships of power involved in the ethics of research.
This is a highly informative text, which explains the historical/ legal background of the ever more complex ethical guidelines researchers are having to abide by. While I cannot see many undergraduates reading this text from cover to cover, I'm sure they'll find specific sections/ chapter useful. It is, however, an invaluable text for research postgraduates and academics, who will certainly be putting it on Research Methods reading lists. Highly recommended!
Extremely useful in allowing students to engage with the theoretical and practical aspects of ethics in education research.
Case study examples of research scenarios are used effectively at the beginning of each chapter to illustrate how ethical issues and challenges can be addressed. Stylistically engaging and accessible, the book demonstrates the relevance of ethical considerations at every stage of the research process.