Teaching Higher Education Courses in Further Education Colleges
- Jonathan Tummons - Durham University, UK
- Kevin Orr - University of Huddersfield, UK
- Liz Atkins - University of Huddersfield, UK
Achieving QTLS Series
The text covers day-to-day aspects of teaching including planning and assessment, giving guidance on the unique needs of HE students. Chapters on research and quality assurance support the reader in developing some advanced teaching skills. This is a practical guide for FE teachers and trainee teachers as the sector adapts to the needs of education today.
A good text for developing further understanding of teaching HE in a FE environment, although a newer edition would also be of benefit, in particular extending on regulatory frameworks.
This book contains some interesting points on delivering HE in an FE setting. Chapters 2 and 7 are particularly interesting as providing the right environment so that there is a distinction between HE students and FE students is quite a challenge and there has been limited information on this to date. The book will not be of use to all L4 teacher Ed. students but for those delivering HE it will be a great starting point.
A good informative book with areas for your reflection. Each chapter has clear aims to begin with which is useful and adopted from a teaching perspective. Useful chapters including info on collaboration and conflict, bodies of responsibility and case studies are used to back up research and thought. Nicely written and easy to follow.
Excellent book for those teaching HE in an FE college setting. Gives good ideas on how to keep students engaged and positive
helping the students understand the learning process in HE actually helps them learn !
A very useful read providing essential background information for all PGCE students working in the post 16 sector.
I found this useful in staff development situations and working with the initial teacher training team in developing our own modules for HE level training. It was not relevant to the PTLLS course, as none of my trainees are working at this level. It will be useful for PGCE and Cert Ed programmes in the future, both to inform the development and delivery of these and other Level 4 and 5 courses and as part of the reading lists for trainees, some of whom may work on HE programmes.
No longer teaching on the course this text was considered for.
Very useful to have a book focussing on this growing area. It serves as a useful introduction, and many of the chapters would now warrant a book of their own!
Idenifies the issues faced by staff working across these two areas and is clear about how to address these constructively.