Death, Dying and Bereavement
- Donna Dickenson - Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London
- Malcolm Johnson - University of Bristol, UK
- Jeanne Samson Katz - The Open University
`[P]rovides a good introduction to the study of death, dying and bereavment' - Martality
`This second edition, which has also been edited by Samson Katz, utilizes around half of the original text, of which a significant portions has been revised and updated. The remainder comprises new material reflecting both the changes in attitudes generally towards death and dying, and also designed to meet the needs of students undertaking the revised curriculum of the K260. This book will stimulate thinking and challenge the personal views of both academics and those in practice. …[A] valuable tool for both those new to the area of palliative and cancer care and those experienced professionals searching for a new angle on several key topics in relation to ethical issues occurring in this speciality… [A]n excellent balance of theoretical contents and moving prose… [T]his book is directed towards all professionals working in health and social care. …This book is a must for pre-registration students wishing to gain greater understanding of the psychosocial issues faced by those with a terminal illness and their significant others' - Nurse Education Today
Praise for the First Edition:
`The book does give a broad overview of many of the issues around death, dying and bereavement. It raises the reader's awareness and encourages deeper investigation at every level. It is easy to reda and therefore accessible to a wide audience' - Changes
`Provides a richly woven tapestry of personal, professional and literary accounts of death, dying and bereavement' -
Health Psychology Update
`Offers a unique collection of fascinating information, research, stories, poems and personal reflections. It is unusual to experience such a diversity of writings in one book' - Nursing Times
`It brings together the knowledge and skills from a multi-occupational group and thereby offers and opportunity, to whoever reads it, to enable better experiences for those who are dying and bereaved' - Journal of Interprofessional Care
`For those trying to help the dying and bereaved, this volume will inspire and move you as much as it will inform and guide your work' - Bereavement Care
`Provides a unique overview, and in many areas, penetrating insights into various aspects of death, dying and bereavement. One of it's major strengths is that it brings together a wide and varied discourse on death across cultures and through time' - British Journal of Sociology
this is a highly recommended book for the 'Communication' module. The book offers practical advice and useful scenarios and includes a number of reflections, stories and literature. A fascinating read, which makes sense of this topic in a variety of ways.
This is an excellent book and considers death and dying in a variety of ways. Especially relevant are the issues relating to communication for this module. The topics are discussed with a great sensitivity and these are supplemented with a range of reflections, stories and literature. This is a very 'readable' book and very appropriate for health care professionals.
very interesting read, not ideal for the novice student nurse, benefical for post registration nurses undertaking a care of the dying or pallative care degree module.
Included some useful reading for course content
I have recommended that students look over this as a resource for the death and dying course. A comprehensive book covering essential material and less common topics. Gives students food for thought.