Action Research in Education
- Mary McAteer - Edge Hill University, UK
-Professor Ken Jones, Dean of Humanities, Swansea Metropolitan University
'Masterly in its lucidity, this text contextualises Action Research in the fiedl of Education Practice; and is therefore a valuable resource in both professional learning and improved professional practice'
-Effie Maclellan, Research Professor in Education, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow
'An engaging, clearly written, and helpfully structured articulation of how AR can be implemented and practised in order to make a difference within educational contexts'
-Dr Stephen Parker, University of Worcester
'Will assist practitioner researchers to develop a profound and critical understanding of this approach'
-Professor Marion Jones, Liverpool John Moores University
This hands-on and user-friendly book uses illustrative case studies to demonstrate and explore the potential for change in real social situations. This book seeks to assert the academic integrity of action research and to de-mystify the process.
Each chapter includes:
- a 'how to' section based on concrete examples and dilemmas
- commentary that relates examples to the broader field
- a discussion of the underlying theoretical approach
- discussion and exploration of quality issues
- discussion of ethical and pragmatic decision-making
The mix of theoretical grounding and focus on real issues will be of benefit to Master's level or advanced undergraduate students on Education and Research Methods courses or those undertaking Action Research as part of professional development activities.
Mary McAteer is Director of the Mathematics Specialist Teacher (MaST) programme at Edge Hill University
Research Methods in Education series:
Each book in this series maps the territory of a key research approach or topic in order to help readers progress from beginner to advanced researcher.
Each book aims to provide a definitive, market-leading overview and to present a blend of theory and practice with a critical edge. All titles in the series are written for Master's-level students anywhere and are intended to be useful to the many diverse constituencies interested in research on education and related areas.
Other books in the series:
- Using Case Study in Education Research
-Qualitative Research in Education, Atkins and Wallace
- Ethnography in Education, Mills and Morton
'This structured and accessible book, with excellent case studies, will give confidence to anyone embarking on an action research project'
-Professor Ken Jones, Dean of Humanities, Swansea Metropolitan University
'Masterly in its lucidity, this text contextualises Action Research in the fiedl of Education Practice; and is therefore a valuable resource in both professional learning and improved professional practice'
-Effie Maclellan, Research Professor in Education, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow
'An engaging, clearly written, and helpfully structured articulation of how AR can be implemented and practised in order to make a difference within educational contexts'
-Dr Stephen Parker, University of Worcester
'Will assist practitioner researchers to develop a profound and critical understanding of this approach'
-Professor Marion Jones, Liverpool John Moores University
For anyone completing or interested in action research, this book would provide you with a clear and comprehensive guide to approaching your project and would serve as a useful reference tool.
The book offers a useful insight into the nature of action research for practitioners.
McAteer discusses the subject clearly - highly recommended for those undertaking action research in education.
This publication will be highly recommended for students studying their action research projects on the foundation degree programme. The chapters are clearly set out with good examples for reflection within each section allowing for students to relate to their current practice.
A useful guide written in user-friendly language which it makes it accessible to students new to action research.
I find this book very accessible - a good introductory book for education research students considering action research.
Action research is a method that has the capacity to change a situation in practice or education setting. Through case study illustrations, the potential for change is explored in this book. Students who choose to carry out Action research will have a grounding in professional development through reading this book.
This is an accessible and informative text which is ideal as a support text for beginning teacher researchers
This textbook provides a comprehensive overview of action research in education. It has applicability to other subject areas such as nursing and health care. It is clearly written and is both interesting and engaging.