Acupuncture in Medicine
Acupuncture in Medicine is an international, peer-reviewed journal that aims to promote the scientific understanding of acupuncture and related treatments by publishing scientific investigations of their effectiveness and modes of action as well as articles on their use in health services and clinical practice.
Acupuncture in Medicine is aimed at Western-trained physicians and other health professionals. The Western understanding of neurophysiology and anatomy is used to interpret the effects of acupuncture. The Journal uses the term ‘Western medical acupuncture’ and largely restricts its published articles to this Western approach. Evidence-based articles on traditional acupuncture (both clinical and theoretical) will, however, be considered. The editorial board welcomes scientific reports, systematic and general reviews, audits, case reports, descriptive and educational papers and other articles that may be of interest to readers.
Acupuncture in Medicine is an international, peer-reviewed journal that aims to promote the scientific understanding of acupuncture and related treatments by publishing scientific investigations of their effectiveness and modes of action as well as articles on their use in health services and clinical practice.
Acupuncture in Medicine is aimed at Western-trained physicians and other health professionals. The Western understanding of neurophysiology and anatomy is used to interpret the effects of acupuncture. The Journal uses the term ‘Western medical acupuncture’ and largely restricts its published articles to this Western approach. Evidence-based articles on traditional acupuncture (both clinical and theoretical) will, however, be considered. The editorial board welcomes scientific reports, systematic and general reviews, audits, case reports, descriptive and educational papers and other articles that may be of interest to readers.
David Coggin-Carr | University of Vermont, USA |
Stephanie Cheng | Hospital for Special Surgery, USA |
Mike Cummings | British Medical Acupuncture Society, UK |
Simon Hayhoe | Essex County Hospital, UK |
Adrian White | University of Plymouth, UK |
Yuqing ‘Madison’ Zhang | CEBIM (Center for Evidence Based Integrative Medicine)-Clarity Collaboration, Beijing, China |
João Bosco Guerreiro da Silva | Rio Preto Medical School, Brazil |
Yusuf Cakmak | University of Otago, New Zealand |
Anthony Campbell | Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine, UK |
Mark Johnson | Professor of Informatics at Leeds Beckett University, UK |
Kenji Kawakita | Meiji University of Integrative Medicine, Japan |
Klaus Linde | Technical University of Munich, Germany |
Ari Moré | Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil |
Jongbae Park | Duke University, USA |
Elisabet Stener-Victorin | Karolinska Institutet, Sweden |
Taras Usichenko | University of Greifswald, Germany |
Andrew Vickers | Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (New York, New York, United States) |
Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.